Tria Federal Acquires Softrams, Creating a Federal Health Powerhouse
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A Mission Rooted in Service

We are a dynamic, professional community driven by a mission rooted in service to colleagues, customers, and community. Giving back to make a positive impact on others is a part of our corporate DNA.

Corporate Purpose

Tria is dedicated to making a positive impact by giving back to our community in meaningful ways.

We support non-profit organizations that align with our values through sponsorships, volunteerism, and charitable giving initiatives. We champion causes that are important to our employees.

Some of the Ways We Give Back

  • 2,008

    Space Coast Honor Flight has taken 2,008 veterans on 77 flights to Washington, DC for a Day of Honor.
  • 100+

    Over 100 employees made individual donations in support, which were matched dollar-for-dollar for double the impact.
  • 17%

    17% of our employees are veterans, which makes supporting veteran causes especially important for our community.
  • 11

    Our support helped dig 11 deep bore wells in remote villages across India, Nepal, and Peru.
  • 43

    Employees from across 43 states participated to show support for this important mission.
  • 50

    For almost 50 years, the Washington Youth Garden has addressed deep disparities in food access and science education for Title 1 schools throughout D.C.

Make a Difference

Turn your job into your life's work by applying your skills, experience, and passion to make a positive impact.