Tria Federal Announces Larry Bradshaw as Chief Financial Officer
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A Mission Rooted in Service.

We are a diverse and dynamic professional community driven by a mission rooted in service to colleagues, customers, and community. Giving back to make a positive impact on others is a part of our corporate DNA - past, present, and future.

Corporate Purpose

As a company that believes in the power of the possible, we aim to affect positive change for a brighter future by giving back to our community in meaningful ways.

As part of our commitment to cultivate a purpose-driven culture of engagement, Tria is dedicated to giving back to non-profit organizations that align with the values of our corporate community through sponsorships, volunteerism, and impactful charitable giving initiatives. We aim to champion the causes that are important to our employees and work to engage together as a team in high-impact initiatives that serve others in meaningful ways.

Some of the Many Ways We Give Back

  • 100+

    Over 100 employees made individual donations in support, which were matched dollar-for-dollar for double the impact.
  • 17%

    17% of our employees are Veterans, which makes supporting Veteran causes especially important to our employee community.
  • 11

    Our support helped dig 11 deep bore wells in remote villages across India, Nepal, and Peru.
  • 43

    Employees from across 43 states participated in this 5k to show support for this important mission.
  • 50

    For almost 50 years, the Washington Youth Garden has addressed deep disparities in food access and science education for Title 1 schools throughout D.C.

Make a difference

Turn your job into your life's work by applying your skills, experience, and passion to make a positive impact on others.